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Library Trustees Minutes 3 Mar 2002
MARCH 20, 2002

Members Present:
Theodore Flynn (Chair), John Hill, Lynne Walsh, Carl Meier, Margaret Lougee and Nancy Delano
Staff Present:
Elaine Winquist (Director), David Murphy (Assistant Director), Nancy Denman (Assistant Director), James Jaquette (Assistant Director), Ellen Snoeyenbos (Young Adult Librarian) and Deborah Killory (Administrative Assistant)

The meeting was convened at 7:33 am in the Setter Room at the Duxbury Free Library and went into executive session at 7:34 am.  The meeting was roll called out of executive session at 7:44 am and the regular session was called to order at 7:50 am.  

Minutes of previous meeting
        The minutes of the February 13, 2002 meet were presented.  A grammatical error was corrected.

Moved by Mr. Meier, seconded by Ms. Walsh, to accept the minutes of the February 13, 2002 meeting as amended.
Vote:  6 – 0 in favor

Chair’s report
        Mr. Flynn reported that there has been a stumbling block on tuition reimbursement.  He has been working with the Selectmen on this issue, but the town manager has stated that because of the ongoing union negotiations, the payment cannot be made.  Mr. Flynn indicated that he will speak with Mr. Martecchini a couple of more times before taking the issue before a Selectmen’s meeting.

Director’s report
        Ms. Winquist noted that she had spent an interesting and productive week at the PLA conference in Phoenix, attending sessions on ethics, intellectual freedom, gathering data and digitizing local collections, among others.  She was asked about the mildew issue in the Friends Room.  She said that the rug could be taken up and an impermeable surface installed, with a dehumidifier kept running in the summer.  The Friends have been asked not to store old books in the room as that seemed to be the source of the mildew.  Books are now being sold at the circulation desk, rather than at monthly sales.  Ms. Winquist reported that the staff has applied for an LSTA grant for staff training in customer service.  As a part of the grant, a customer service policy will be developed.  Representative Tom O’Brien, who now represents part of the town under the redistricting plan, and who is an active public library advocate, would like to attend a Trustees meeting.  He will be invited to the May meeting.
        The Young Adult Librarian has received a complaint from a parent about a book entitled “Life is Funny” by E.R. Frank.  A formal request for reconsideration has not yet been filed.  Ms. Snoeyenbos reported that the book is from the ALA Quick Picks for Reluctant Readers list.  Ms. Denman said that perhaps there needs to be more of an educational component when discussing the move from children’s to young adult literature, warning of the greater maturity in much of the young adult material.  

Departmental reports
        The trustees noted a decrease in school visits.  This was due to the fact that the two teachers who most often brought classes to the library have left the system.  Mr. Murphy indicated that he has been in contact with the social studies department and hopes to schedule a workshop for teachers next year.  Mr. Flynn thanked Ms. Winquist on the information she sent the Board outlining the differences between school and public libraries.

Friends report
        Ms. Delano indicated that the Friends are busy organizing the tea scheduled in May. Tickets will be sold at the circulation desk, which also sells books and notecards for the Friends.  

Meeting Room Policy
        A candidate for town office requested use of a meeting room to meet with townspeople.  Mr. Flynn expressed concern about having the rooms used for political purposes. Ms. Winquist said that she had heard a presentation by an ALA attorney on meeting room use; he stated that use of rooms could not be limited based on content.  The Office of Campaign and Finance at the Secretary of State’s Office indicated that the key was equal access.  If a room is provided for one candidate, it must be provided for all.  Mr. Meier suggested that the rooms could be provided for use on a political question only if all sides of the issue – or all candidates for the office – meet together, based on the equal access requirements. In the course of the discussion, it was suggested that the Display/Exhibit Policy be revised to allow an area where literature on all issues before the public in a given election could be displayed.  Ms. Winquist was asked to have proposed changes in the Meeting Room Policy and the Display/Exhibit Policy ready for review at the next meeting.  Ms. Winquist noted that she had learned that policies should include an appeals procedure.  This will also be included in the proposed changes to be considered at the next meeting.

Internet Policy/CIPA
        Ms. Winquist presented her proposal for the Internet Safety Policy.  The trustees were pleased with the proposal, which included the installation of filters in the children’s room.  

The meeting was adjourned at 9:06 am.